【コース / tour】
■開催時刻 / Tour schedule :日本語(Japanese)/①10:30~ ③15:00~
英語(English) /②14:00~
※すべてのツアーで、ガイダンスルームの動画やガイドパネルは英語字幕付きです。/ For all tour, guide movie at guidance room and guide panels are subtitled in English.
※英語ツアーをご希望の方は、14時からのツアーをご予約下さい。英語が話せる者が対応いたします。/ For English tour, please make a reservation for 14:00 (2pm) English tour. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by email.
■所要時間 / Tour duration : 90分程度 / approximately 90 min.
■定員 / Tour Capacity :10名 / Maximum 10 persons
■料金 / Price :お一人様 2,000円(税込) / JPY 2,000 per person including tax
■対象年齢 / Age : 20歳以上 / Adults 20 years and over
Persons under the age of 20 years or with small children are not allowed to join the tour.
However, all customers are welcome at visitor center. Those small children not joining the tour, please be accompanied by a responsible adult while waiting in the shop.
■実施日 毎日(第二日曜日・お盆・年末年始・臨時休業日除く)/ Tours available everyday, except second Sunday, the Obon holiday and the Japanese year-end and New Year holiday. There is no English tour on Sunday.
After the distillery tour, please enjoy special tasting and shopping at the visitor center.
【バス団体立ち寄りコース / Free tour 】
バス団体のみ / Coach tour groups only
We accept coach tour group at visitor center and guests can enjoy complimentary whiskey and gin tasting, and shopping out products. The distillery tour is NOT included in this coach group tour.
■所要時間 / Duration : 約30分 / approximately 30min
■定員 / 10名以上 人数はご相談下さい。10 persons or more. Please inquire for further details.
■料金 / Price : 無料 / Complimentary
※予約制になっております。見学をご希望の方はWEB予約フォームからお申し込み下さい。(60日前からご予約いただけます。)/Reservations are required. If you would like to join the tour, please apply through our online reservation form. (Reservations can be made up to 60 days in advance.)
※見学のご予約・キャンセルは、見学日の1週間前までにお申し込みください。/ Please make a reservation and cancellation by webform at least 7 days prior to the tour date.
※お車・バイク・自転車を運転の方、20歳未満の方、妊娠中や授乳期の方は酒類のテイスティングができません。/ Please refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages if you are driving or riding motorbike or bicycle, under 20 years old, or pregnant.
※見学開始時間の10分前までにビジターセンターで受付をお願いします。/ Please come to the visitor center 10 minutes before the tour starts.
※体温が37.5度以上の方やのどの痛み、咳、くしゃみなどの風邪の症状がある方はご遠慮下さい。/ Please refrain if you have a body temperature of 37.5 degrees or higher, or have cold symptoms such as sore throat, cough, and sneeze.
【見学のお問い合わせ / CONTACT】
E-mail distillerytour@sakuraobd.co.jp
【ビジタセンター / VISITOR CENTER】
TEL 0829-32-9122
OPEN 10:00 / CLOSE 17:00
(定休日:第二日曜日、お盆、年末年始 / Closed on Second Sundays, the Obon holiday and the Japanese year-end and New Year holiday)